Welcome to Deca Dodgeball

We are an Adult Recreational Dodgeball League through the Dewdney East Community Association in Regina, SK.

Whether you are new to the sport, or you’ve been ducking, dipping and diving for several years, you’ll fit right in.

Independent Player Registration

Don’t have a team? We will help you find one!

  • Teams of all skill levels to match your experience
  • Meet new people
  • Team Fees: Vary by each team based on roster size

Referee Registration

Officiate DECA Games

  • Fri/Sat; 6-10pm
  • Scheduled around your teams games
  • $20 per game officiated

* The performance bond is set as an incentive for all teams to follow the ruleset, play fair and have fun.  If issues or problems arise, this bond is used to relegate fines (values listed under our Ruleset) to the offending team(s).  At end of season performance bond is returned (minus any possible deductions) to captains at the end of season meeting.

Rules, Standings & Schedule

League Contacts